Friday, October 15, 2010

Seeing Around Corners

Every Friday, the Sports and Recreation Committee at my office sponsors a tennis game. I'm not very good, but in an attempt to get some exercise and to become part of the social scene at the office, I hitch a ride with a fellow player and make my way out on to the courts.

What I always seem to forget is that I am old. Two hours of tennis in the Malaysian heat is generally more than I can deal with. I am sitting on my couch in pain, waiting for my 10:30pm teleconference to begin.

Pain focuses the mind, and I was thinking about what I believe is the greatest compliment I can give a colleague. I think the rarest of skills is the skill of "seeing around corners." I am linking probably the single most influential article I have ever read, entitled "Seeing Around Corners", which is ostensibly about artificial communities, but I think there is a deeper message here. I'll let you figure out what it is.

Let's hope this is fair use.....

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